Monday, May 30, 2011

Osama bin Laden's sons feeling pressure of taking over the biz.

May 30th, 2011
Omar bin Laden, 30 year old son of Osama bin Laden

ISLAMABAD- With it being almost a month since al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed in a raid by U.S. Navy SEALs on his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, his sons are feeling the pressure to take over the family business.  "We thought for sure that they would never get dad," Omar bin Laden said of the fact that it took nearly 10 years for him to be finally tracked down.  "We thought once he hit the decade mark, it would be all down hill from there."  But now with the vacancy left by Osama's death, there has now been added pressure from inside the organization to take over their father's position.  "Of course it was always dad's dream for me to inherit the family business and plan more elaborate attacks on the U.S. and to bring down the infidel, you know, what every father dreams of for his sons really."  Omar bin Laden says that he was never to keen on his father's plans though.  "DId dad ever ask me what my dreams were?  Not a chance, seemed like whenever I tried to talk to him, he was looking at some blueprint of a building to blow up or flight plans of planes over the U.S.  He said he really wanted to take me out and sit down and talk, but it seemed like he had bigger things going on."  

Even though Omar bin Laden has not shown too much interest in assuming the role, he has not totally dismissed the idea yet.  "Of course I think about all the upsides.  Anytime your buddies film you on home video, it ends up on the BBC, CNN, NBC etc.  Always getting to have the best seat in the cave, a few extra wives.  Don't get me wrong, these things are all good, I'm just not sure if I want it all."  

With pressure mounting for Omar to take over, al-Qaeda said they are willing to give him some more time if necessary.  Ayman al-Zawahiri al-Qaeda Deputy Operations Chief said, "God knows I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.  I mean if your dad was Osama fucking bin Laden, you can't just roll outta bed and be ready to replace him.  I mean come on, # 1 on the FBI's most wanted list for almost 10 years!  You don't just get there by making empty threats, you've really gotta earn that."

Omar bin Laden said that he will have his decision soon, but told al-Qaeda leaders to not get their hopes up.  "I don't wanna burn any bridges here, but I've gotta do what's best for me, I've gotta do what's best for Omar."  

Al-Qaeda said that they would be disappointed if Omar did not accept the role, but by the end of July, they will start posting the job on and are prepared to hire from the outside if necessary.